Bitcoin Carnival Party: 30 satoshis every 30 minutes!
by CryptoAddicted ·
Start preparing for the Bitcoin Carnival Party!
Hello CryptoAddicted users, ready for the Bitcoin Carnival Party? As you certainly know, on February 13th will be Mardi Gras, or Shrove Tuesday if you prefer, and the Carnival Party will take place.
Also CryptoAddicted want to participate to this crazy party giving you a crazy bonus. So, during all the day of the 13th of February (Tuesday), for every claim you make on the CryptoAddicted Bitcoin Faucet, you’ll receive 30 satoshis instead of 16 as now! You can collect till 900 satoshis in a single day!
30 satoshis every 30 minutes is for sure the best payout you can find around. No other Bitcoin faucet will give you this amount.

How to get this bonus?
If you are already a loyalty user of the CryptoAddicted you just have to access the Bitcoin Faucet and claim as usual (and let me suggest: make many more claims!).
If you are a new users, when you are on the Bitcoin Faucet, you have to insert your Bitcoin Address when required and solve just a captcha to claim your free satoshis. Start soon!
Read more about “What is a Bitcoin Faucet” to find an explanation and some examples.
And don’t miss also the CryptoAddicted Dogecoin Faucet to easily earn some free dogecoins.
Read more about “What is a Bitcoin Faucet” to find an explanation and some examples.
Don’t miss also the CryptoAddicted Dogecoin Faucet to easily earn some free dogecoins.
Between a claim and another, visit also the Multi Cryptocurrency Faucets List we provide.

CryptoAddicted team.